Shimano Bantam Kozak MR 54mm, 8g



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What is this?

Bantam Kozak medium running (MR 1.5m). The Kozak has a great wide swimming action for all retrieve speeds, from slow to high.

Due to the round and bulky shape, it has both a rolling and wide kicking action, making it irresistible for all predators. Also there is a deep sound rattle, making it even more attractive. And because of the bulky shape, it gives great casting distance for a relative small crankbait. Due to the small bend in the lip, the crank stays close to horizontal in the water.

• Great tight swimming action at all speeds,
from super slow to extra fast
• Deep rattle sound when moving
• Natural horizontal profile when being retrieved

Length 1-5 cm
Weight 6-10 gr
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