Casting rods

Casting rods are built for baitcastingreels, that you mount on top of the rod. During the last few years the development of new castingrods has improved with high quality components to give you better precision and casting length. With a baitcasting set-up you normally have better control than with spinning gear, since you can control the length and your casts with your thumb and many options on your reel.

Normally you use baitcasting gear when fishing for heavier pike fishing (or bass/muskie fishing in the US). But the last few years more people have come to use it also for lighter fishing for perch and zander. It's a fun way of improving your skills. If you need any help with what rod to choose, we are in the chat bubble to the right! We have a great beginners set for pike fishing here.


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Nays One Casting Rods 40-70g, 2.25m


Low stock


New in! Casting rods from Nays.

Abu Svartzonker Perch 6'10 5-21g Casting

Abu Garcia/Svartzonker

En rupture de stock


Beast X Cork Pike 662 HP 45-100g Casting

Abu Garcia

Low stock


Daiwa Tatula Baitcast 2pc



Abu Garcia Beast X Pike Casting Rod

Abu Garcia


BEAST X est conçu pour la pêche des (gros) brochets.

Abu Garcia® Beast Pro Casting Rod

Abu Garcia


BEAST PRO est une série de cannes à brochet pour les spécialistes. Des blank en carbone ha...

Gunki Trooper Baitcasting C-210H, 10-35g


Low stock


Ces deux cannes casting offrent un excellent rapport qualité/prix

BFT Instinct Reloaded baitcasting rod 7,4'' MH, Perch Versatile 7-25g

BFT - Big Fish Tackle

Low stock


New priceworthy series from BFT!

Bullseye Beast Boat Baitcasting 240, 45-90gr


Low stock


High-end fishingrod from Bullseye Fishing - seen in FLY VS JERK!

Abu BEAST X2 Casting Rod 7411 40-120gr

Abu Garcia

En rupture de stock


This rod is used by Tobias Ekvall! One of the most bang for the buck rod on the market!

Abu Garcia Svartzonker Classic Motoroil Casting 7'6 7-24g

Abu Garcia/Svartzonker

Low stock
