Favorite downsize pike bundle

  • Hooligan Roach JR 15cm - New Moon (prix: €13,80)
  • Flatnose Shad JR 15cm - Dirty Perch - 2psc (prix: €9,17)
  • Nettel Juvenile 19cm - Spotted Bullhead - 2pcs (prix: €17,50)
  • Monkey Brute 17cm - Black Snack - 3pcs (prix: €9,17)


This bundle has you covered for your pike fishing!

Cet achat produira 998 fishcoins maintenant!
Qu'est-ce que c'est?

For avid anglers and recreational fishermen alike, finding the perfect fishing gear is essential for a successful day out on the water. This bundle has you covered for your pike fishing! Some of our absolutely favorite pike lures in one bundle. It doesn't get any better than this! And, at a reduced price!

This bundle includes:
1x Hooligan Roach JR 15cm -New Moon
3x Monkey Brute 17cm - Black Snack
2x Flatnose Shad JR 15cm - Dirty Perch
2x Nettel Juvenile 19cm - Spotted Bullhead

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