GATOR Catfish Paddle 22cm, 97gr



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Qu'est-ce que c'est?

Catfish Paddle 22cm is designed to mimic a small burbot or juvenile catfish, although it has a paddle that presses a lot of water instead of a tail.

The bait has a unique swimming action and fishes well over grass, stones and also fishes very effectively in the middle water in deeper areas with its wide profile.

With the meaty profile and together with the unique swimming action, it will clearly fool many fine pike.

Gator stinger medium is a good stinger for this bait. And if you only want to have one treble hook instead of two, the XL stinger short also fits well. Because the pike often strike over the head of the Catfish.

Length: 22cm
Weight: 97gr

Longueur 20-22 cm
Weight 81-100 gr
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