Saxa Shade - "The Perch Editon" Spinning 7'3'' - 10-30gr

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High-end perch rod by Saxa!

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New high-end perch rod - Saxa Shade 2019! It is designed to match the trends of the Nordic perch fshing. Two diferent actons available, both for spinning and baitcastng reels. Two-piece constructon for convinient transportaton and storage.

Saxa Shade 7’3’’ 10-30 g is the tool for big perch! It also performs nicely for zander fishing. With this rod you can cast spinner baits, blades and softbaits with heavy jig heads. The rod has a medium sof tp for perch, but at the same tme a strong backbone for hooking the biggest zander. Weight is 108 grams


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