Monkey Vibe 8cm 16-pack with Drop Shot kit

  • M-WAR Drop Shot Kit (prix: €5,46)


Monkey Vibe 8cm, 16-pack together with M-WAR Drop Shot Kit.

Cet achat produira 278 fishcoins maintenant!
Qu'est-ce que c'est?

What is unique with this bait except the cool bodyshape is that is can be fished effectively with many different methods.

It moves extremely nice when fishing it on a drop shot rig and even with the slightest twitch with the rod it gets a worm-like movement in the water thanks to the ribbed body. When you are retrieving it through the water the tail will have a nice paddling action, which also makes it possible to fish it with a jigghead just as well as with a drop shot rig!

Monkey Vibe 8cm, 2,8gr, 16-pack

M-WAR drop shot kit includes:

2 Hooks from BKK, 2 Flourcarbon lines & 2 weights! To learn how to tie yourself, you can check it out HERE!

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Monkey Vibe 8cm, 16-pack together with M-WAR Drop Shot Kit.
